
Salary for Case Managers in 2022

Salary for Case Managers in 2022

What is the Salary for Case Managers?

We are often asked about the salary for case managers. To answer this question The Case Management Society of America (CMSA) and the Case Management Institute (CMI) collaborated on a 2022 Case Management Salary and Trends Survey. 

The survey results show that most case managers (62%) earn a base salary of $80,000 or more. Over a quarter of case managers (27%) earn $100,000 per year or more. 8% make $130,000 or more annual base salary while only 7% of case managers reported a salary under $60,000. In addition, 84% of case managers’ salaries were listed at or above $70,000 per year. (Cooper-Gillingham et al., 2022)

Furthermore, 65% of case managers reported an increase in their salary over the last year and 85% of case managers are satisfied with the salary they receive. (Cooper-Gillingham et al., 2022)

Jobs for Case Managers

When looking for jobs for Case Managers most people look in the obvious places, hospitals, insurance companies, and Workers’ Compensation. But while they are the most popular places for case managers to work according to the 2022 Case Management Salary and Trends Survey (Cooper-Gillingham et al., 2022) that is also where everyone else is looking. This often makes it difficult to get an interview let alone a job offer. But by thinking outside the box and looking beyond these obvious places to find case management jobs you will have a better chance of finding your dream job. 

The Case Management Certification Journey

1. Examine your case management career goals. 

If you are a hospital nurse case manager and want to stay at a hospital, you might want to consider the American Nurses Credentialing Center Case Management Exam or the American Case Management Examination. 

If you want to explore other areas of case management and you have a variety of experience in healthcare, you can consider the Case Management Certification Exam by the Commission for Case Manager Certification. The CCMC exam is the oldest and most recognized certification exam. 

If you work in managed care and want to stay in this area, think about the Managed Care Nurse Case Management Exam.

14 Tips to Maintain your Case Management Certifications

14 Tips to Maintain your Case Management Certifications
1. Take time to read all the material that comes with your new certification. 

A key piece of information is the date you will renew your certification. Some certifications notify you 1 year ahead of your renewal and give an incentive to renew early. If you don’t take advantage of this, you will pay a higher renewal cost.

2. Know when your certification will expire if you don’t renew. 

Some certifications renew every 5 years, and some are every 3 years. Check yours so you are clear on when you must renew.

Is Case Management a Good Career Move for Nurses in 2022?

Is Case Management a Good Career Move for Nurses in 2022?

This article compares survey results from nurses and case managers. So is Case Management a good career move for Nurses? The results show that case managers earn more than nurses, are more satisfied with their job, and the majority of case managers plan to stay with their current employer. However, case management is not the right career move for every nurse. Nurses considering case management should research the field to ensure it is the right fit for them.

2022 Case Management Salary and Trends Survey

The Case Management Society of America (CMSA) and the Case Management Institute (CMI) have joined forces to continue our work on raising the awareness of case management and further developing its workforce.

Historically, CMSA has produced a biennial State of the Industry Report, while CMI has produced a Salary and Trends Report. With a common shared objective of providing key trends and benchmarks on the status of the professional practice of case management, CMSA and CMI are proud to present this combined report.

All Acute Care Case Managers  Need This!

All Acute Care Case Managers  Need This!

Acute Care Case Managers Face a Unique Set of Challenges

We see the questions every day in our Case Managers Community Facebook Group.

Who should be receiving the Important Messages from Medicare (IMM)?
What is the proper use of Condition Code 44?
Who should be receiving the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON)?
What are the rules and regulations regarding discharge appeals?
What are all the different Medicare notices/forms, etc to be aware of and understand?