
Breaking News: CMSA Releases Four Important Papers for All Case Management Professionals

The Case Management Society of America held its annual conference on June 4-7 in Providence, Rhode Island, to learn, network, and share information to improve their practice and the healthcare system. At the Conference, they released Four Important Papers for All Case Management Professionals

Several papers were introduced that will help CMSA, and all case managers, share the vital work case managers do in every sector of the healthcare system. 

To Report or Not to Report? Mandatory Reporting and Duty to Warn for Case Managers

Mandatory Reporting

Mandatory reporting refers to case managers and other practitioners informing formal state authorities about their suspicions for potential child or adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation. That word “potential” is an important one as it is up to those formal state authorities and agencies to define the actions and not the case manager. I’ve had countless colleagues in leadership roles for these agencies remind me of that fact! 

As a Case Manager, Must I be Licensed in Every State that My Patients Are? My boss says NO, BUT….

The industry standard for professional case managers is that they should be licensed in every state where their patients are. However, case managers and other practitioners are chronically put in that ethical and legal “hot seat”, and asked to juggle employer mandates with professional requirements. The workforce is constantly set up for sanction by being told things like, “Case management is coaching” and does not involve assessment. The inaccuracies of this statement couldn’t be farther from the truth!

A Revolution in Healthcare – Health Information Technology

Health Information Technology is a force that will touch every healthcare organization and professional.
Health systems, payers, and providers must include patients and their families as health information technologies are introduced. Their impact and voices will be one way to determine which systems are right and whether they are making the expected difference.
We will need to continue to use data better to address issues and identify areas of improvement.

AMA Discharge and Case Management Responsibility

AMA Discharge and Case Management Responsibility: An Ethical and Compliance Quandary  

A patient is admitted to the hospital and the physician and treatment team recommendation is clear: the patient would benefit from being discharged to a skilled nursing facility (SNF). However, the patient adamantly refuses and only wishes to go home. Does the physician have the right to request that the patient leave the hospital against medical advice or AMA?

There is no I in Team

Case Management is a team sport, and like in all sports, there is no I in team, and the team members have to respect each other and work together. In this article, I would like to discuss the benefits and strategies of incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives, such as social workers, pharmacists, physicians, therapists, psychologists, and the other disciplines that comprise the multidisciplinary healthcare workforce.

Which Case Management Certification Should I Choose? (Updated February 2024)

Which Case Management Certification Should I Choose? (Updated February 2024)

A popular question in our Case Managers Community Facebook Group is “Which Case Management Certification should I choose?” While we can’t answer that question for you we can give you the information you need to decide for yourself. 

Things to consider are where you are now and where you see yourself in the future. You will also want to take into consideration your professional background and where you work. 

This article gives a comparison of 3 of the most popular certifications available for case managers to help you decide which one is best for you.

Understanding Credentials in Case Management: Certificate, Certification, and Fellowship

In the field of case management, understanding the nuances of various professional credentials – certificates, certifications, and fellowships – is crucial for your career development. Each serves a different purpose and caters to varying levels of experience and career aspirations. The Case Management Institute sheds light on these distinctions, helping professionals like you make informed decisions for your careers.

Effective Communication Strategies with Clients

Effective communication strategies for case managers is to maintain clear and open lines of effective communication between patients and families, providers, payers, and others with whom they interact according to their role and function. Each takes a different skill that needs to be honed continuously. 

Case Managers must foster an environment where all stakeholders feel comfortable sharing information, expressing concerns, and asking questions. This type of transparent communication builds trust among team members and helps prevent miscommunication that can lead to poor outcomes.