The ONE tool that will help pass the CCM Exam

Recently, I was emailed a question from a case manager who was preparing to sit for the CCMC Exam for the 2nd time. I decided to write this article as it is a common question. his questions from a case manager who is preparing to take the CCM Exam for the 2nd time. She is searching for the ONE tool that will help her pass. In my answer, I try to tell her that there is no magic tool. She has purchased a number of tools. Now she has to do the work to understand the material so that she can answer the questions on the exam by critically thinking.

Need to Renew your Case Manager Certification Soon? 10 Tips to Help You Through the Journey

If you are a new Certified Case Manager, congratulations. Once you get over celebrating, it is time to think about how you will maintain your hard-earned certification!

You will need to renew your Case Manager Certification soon, and here are 10 tips to help you through your journey.

Read the renewal rules for your certifications. Each Body has specific rules you need to follow. Print off the renewal handbook and READ IT. 

Inquiring Minds Want to Know… Who is ANCC and Why Should YOU Know Them? 

Who is ANCC? 

ANCC stands for the American Nursing Credentialing Center. ANCC is the credentialing arm of the American Nursing Association, the professional organization for nurses. ANCC credentials for both organizations and individuals who advance nursing. In addition to accreditation and certification programs, ANCC also offers ways for organizations to achieve Magnet Status as well as a program titled; Pathways to Excellence. Each recognizes excellence in Nursing.  

Your ANCC Nursing Case Management Certification Questions Answered

What is the ANCC Nurse Case Management Certification Exam? 

The ANCC (American Nursing Credentialing Center) Nurse Case Management Certification exam is one of the many certifications case managers can take to validate their work in case management. The major difference between this one and the other case management certification exams is that the ANCC exam is focused on the nursing process. 

The largest discipline to work in case management, utilization management, and population health is nursing. As a result, the ANCC developed the Nursing Case Management Exam specifically for registered nurses who work in case management across the broad healthcare continuum. 

Why Take a Prep Course Before You Sit For a Case Management Certification Examination?

Many ask, “should I take a prep course to help me pass the case management certification examination”? The answer is, that it depends. This article provides ten reasons why people take a prep course to help them prepare for their certification exam or any national examination that requires recall from various domains or practice. If these points resonate with you, check out the resources from the Case Management Institute to help you prepare as you step up to case management certification.

The Case Management Certification Journey

1. Examine your case management career goals. 

If you are a hospital nurse case manager and want to stay at a hospital, you might want to consider the American Nurses Credentialing Center Case Management Exam or the American Case Management Examination. 

If you want to explore other areas of case management and you have a variety of experience in healthcare, you can consider the Case Management Certification Exam by the Commission for Case Manager Certification. The CCMC exam is the oldest and most recognized certification exam. 

If you work in managed care and want to stay in this area, think about the Managed Care Nurse Case Management Exam.

14 Tips to Maintain your Case Management Certifications

14 Tips to Maintain your Case Management Certifications
1. Take time to read all the material that comes with your new certification. 

A key piece of information is the date you will renew your certification. Some certifications notify you 1 year ahead of your renewal and give an incentive to renew early. If you don’t take advantage of this, you will pay a higher renewal cost.

2. Know when your certification will expire if you don’t renew. 

Some certifications renew every 5 years, and some are every 3 years. Check yours so you are clear on when you must renew.