Ask Anne:
Case Managers are professionals from various disciplines. As professionals, we have a responsibility to be a cut above. We must adhere to a code of conduct and ethical standards, and participate in professional development activities, including Belonging to Your Professional Organization.
To meet each of these responsibilities, belonging to a professional organization is critical as professional organizations have the responsibility of keeping the workforce up to date as the industry changes.
In the area of case management, we have several professional organizations that case managers can belong to. Most people decide on which organization they will belong to by the sector they are in. Here are a few that you can consider:
The Case Management Society of America (CMSA): CMSA is the oldest of all case management professional organizations and meets the needs of case managers from various settings, hospitals, managed care, long-term care, rehabilitation, etc.
CMSA developed the Standards of Practice that all case managers must adhere to. They have various committees that address various issues to keep professionals informed as to the state of the case management industry as well as the healthcare system.
CMSA offers case managers the opportunity to be a leader locally, regionally, and nationally through their local chapters, national organizations, and various committees. CMSA recently introduced a Fellowship Program (the first of its kind in the area of Case/Care Management) for those doing important work in the area of case/care management.
To learn more visit;
Specialty Organization
Aging Life Care Association: The Aging Life Care Association meets the needs of professionals who work as care managers for people as they age, especially with complex medical conditions.
To learn more, visit
American Association of Managed Care Nurses (AAMCN): AAMCN is the professional organization for managed care nurses. They have two conferences per year which are free to those who want to attend.
To learn more, visit
American Case Management Association (ACMA): ACMA is a professional association that strives to meet the needs of case managers and Transitions of Care Professionals working in healthcare systems.
They have a national chapter as well as local chapters. They also offer a national certification that sets the standards for professionals working as hospital case managers.
To learn more visit:
American Nurses Association (ANA): ANA is a professional organization for nurses. They also have a certification arm, the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) which offers various certifications.
ANCC offers the Nursing Case Management Certification that many nurses seek to show their expertise in the area of case Management. ANA has state chapters throughout the country.
To learn more visit:
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN): ARN is the professional association for professionals involved in rehabilitation. They also have a national certification for Nurses who specialize in this area.
To learn more visit:
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP): IARP is a professional organization for those who specialize in the area of workers’ compensation, and disability management. They are a national organization with chapters across the country.
To learn more, visit:
National Association of Patient Advocacy (NAHAC): NAHAC is a professional organization for those who specialize in Patient/Health Advocacy.
To learn more visit
I hope you will check out each of the professional organizations and find one or more to become actively involved in. Each needs your participation and support.
From a personal standpoint, I have been a member of several of these organizations over the years and have gotten back way more than I paid in dues in terms of understanding my role, advocating for my profession, and meeting other like-minded people to grow the profession.
Join your professional organization today and become an active member. You will be a better person and professional!
Bio: Anne Llewellyn, MS, BHSA, RN, CCM, CRRN, CMGT-BC, FCM
Anne is a registered rehabilitation nurse with over forty-three years of experience in critical care, risk management, catastrophic case management, patient advocacy, and healthcare education including training and development. Anne speaks and writes frequently on topics for consumers, caregivers, and all members of the healthcare team so that together we can improve each person’s healthcare experience. Follow her on her weekly Blog, Nurses Advocate where she shares stories and events that will help people be better prepared when they enter the healthcare system.