Tag Archives: Case Manager’s Salary

Salary for Case Managers in 2022

Salary for Case Managers in 2022

What is the Salary for Case Managers?

We are often asked about the salary for case managers. To answer this question The Case Management Society of America (CMSA) and the Case Management Institute (CMI) collaborated on a 2022 Case Management Salary and Trends Survey. 

The survey results show that most case managers (62%) earn a base salary of $80,000 or more. Over a quarter of case managers (27%) earn $100,000 per year or more. 8% make $130,000 or more annual base salary while only 7% of case managers reported a salary under $60,000. In addition, 84% of case managers’ salaries were listed at or above $70,000 per year. (Cooper-Gillingham et al., 2022)

Furthermore, 65% of case managers reported an increase in their salary over the last year and 85% of case managers are satisfied with the salary they receive. (Cooper-Gillingham et al., 2022)